Monday, August 16, 2010

'Call Me Artemis Fowl', Artemis Rocks!

Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex by Eoin (it's pronounced Owen) Colfer is here! It's the seventh book in the series - check it out today!

Learn more about the books at the very cool Artemis Fowl website. Described by their author as "Die Hard with fairies...," the Artemis Fowl books are funny, high-tech, and fast-paced. Artemis is a teenage criminal mastermind, genius, and billionaire who begins his adventures by kidnapping a fairy - unfortunately for him, not just any fairy, but Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These fairies aren't the fairies from fairy tales - they are smart and often deadly! Watch the book trailer above and you'll get a feel for the books (the images are from the Artemis Fowl graphic novel). Well, sort of. You've just got to read them to find out!


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